A power source can be selected with a jumper and can be turned on/off with a separate switch. Power can be supplied either via USB or via a standard 5 mm power supply jack. Initial release of the ESP32-WROVER module had 4 MB of PSRAMĮSP32-WROOM-32 was previously called ESP-WROOM-32ĭual port USB-to-serial converter for programmingģ2.768 kHz XTAL for internal RTC to operate it in low power modes identifies a single-core chipĮSP32-WROOM-32x, ESP32-WROVER-B and ESP32-WROVER-IB modules come with 4 MB flash by default but also available with custom flash sizes of 8 MB and 16 MB, see Espressif Products Ordering Information (PDF) Some additional details are covered in the following sections.ĮSP32- D. The key characteristics of these modules are summarized in the table below. If combined with a few extra components, such as a programming interface, bootstrapping resistors, and pin headers, these modules can also be used for evaluation of ESP32’s functionality. The modules constitute ready-made solutions for integration into final products. This is a family of ESP32-based modules with some integrated key components, including a crystal oscillator and an antenna matching circuit.